
Steps to make Veg Chowmein using Century Chowmein Masala

Making veg chowmein delicious can be a task for those who are not expert in cooking. However, with Century chowmein masala, a newbie can also prepare tasty chowmein masala.

This recipe uses spices that are easily available in every Nepalese kitchen. However, if you don’t have Century chowmein masala, you can buy it. You can get Century chowmein masala from a nearby store or online marts. You can easily get products of Century including chowmein masala from or

Chowmein masala
Chowmein masala

So if you already have Century chowmein masala in your kitchen cabinet, you can just start preparing it. Fellow the steps below to make flavorsome veg chowmein.

Make veg chowmein using Century chowmein masala

This recipe uses mushrooms to add flavor and nutrients to veg chowmein. If you are not a big fan of mushrooms, you can use eggs or tofu as well.


  • Oil
  • Corn flour
  • Green chilies
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Mushrooms
  • Grated carrots
  • Shredded cabbage
  • Celery
  • Bell pepper
  • Tomato sauce
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Cornflour paste
  • Vinegar
  • French beans
  • Century chowmein masala
  • Chowmein

Steps to follow before making chowmein

Step 1

The first step of making chowmein is boiling it. Keep six cups of water to boil and add a few pinches of salt in the water


Add raw chowmein to the boiled water. Don’t break them while boiling.

boil chowmein
boil chowmein

Step 3

Allow them to cook completely. You will need around 8-10 minutes to boil chowmein. However, different types of chowmein require different cook times so you can check the package for the intrusion. If the package has no instruction, boil until they are medium soft. As you have to cook chowmein in the upcoming step, so you can just medium cook them.

Step 4

With the help of a fork, you can check whether the chowmein is cooked or not. Chowmein will not take less than 10 minutes to cook. Boil the chowmein in medium flame.

Step 5

Drain the chowmein in a colander.

drain in colander
drain in colander

Step 6

When the chowmein is completely drained, add half spoon oil to the chowmein.

Step 7

Toss chowmein well so that oil gets coated evenly. Cover the chowmein completely to get rid of stickiness from the chowmein.

Step 8

Cover chowmein and keep them aside.

Step 9

Now you need to prepare vegetables for chowmein. Get ready with Onion, Mushrooms, carrots, cabbage, Celery, and Bell pepper.

Step 10

Drain vegetables to get rid of dirt.

Step 11

Take chop board and knife to chop the vegetables into small pieces.

Step 12

You will need one red onion. Chop onions finely and keep it aside. If you are using small onions, you will need two red onions.

Step 13

Take ten to twelve pieces of round mushrooms and slice them into pieces.

chopped mushroom
chopped mushroom

Step 14

You will need a handful of celery. Chop them into fine pieces.

Step 15

Take one bell pepper, then chop them into fine pieces. You also need a few French beans to enhance the taste. Chop French beans into small pieces.

Step 16

For carrot and cabbage, you will need a grater. You will need one big carrot in this recipe. If you are using small carrots, you will need two. Wash the carrot and grate it into thin slices.

Step 17

With the same grate, you can grate cabbage. You don’t need to wash the grater to reuse it. Take small cabbage, then grate it into small pieces. If you are using big cabbage, you will need half of it.

Step 18

Keep all the chopped vegetables aside, then prepare cornflour paste.

Step 19

To prepare cornflour paste, you will need two teaspoons of cornflour and two tablespoon water. Take a small bowl of the combined cornflour with water. Keep cornflour paste aside. You will next in upcoming steps.

When all the preparation is completed, now you can start making chowmein.

Chowmein making

Step 20

Heat two teaspoons of vegetable oil in the pan.

Step 21

When the oil is hot, add slices of green chilies and half a teaspoon of ginger-garlic paste. Stir the mixture for thirty seconds. When the ginger-garlic paste turns golden brown, you can start doing the next steps.

roast onion
roast onion

Step 22

Now add chopped onions. Stir it for a minute. You will need to stir it until it turns golden brown. Keep the flame in medium to avoid burning.

Step 23

Add sliced mushrooms. Mushrooms take time to cook, so on medium flame, you to stir until they get light brown in color. Keep stirring the mushrooms to avoid burning.

Step 24

Now add chopped French beans and stir for a minute.

Step 25

Now add grated carrots, cabbage, chopped celery, and sliced bell pepper. Mix them properly.

Step 26

Stir the mixture and slightly increase the flame to medium-high.

Step 27

After 3 minutes of stirring, you can add spices.

Step 28

Add soy sauce. In this step, you can also add tomato sauce or chili sauce. As green chilies are already used in the above step you can use tomato sauce instead of chili sauce. If you are using chili sauce, you can skip green chilies in this recipe.

Step 29

After a few seconds of stirring, you can add black pepper. Add one teaspoon of black pepper.

Step 30

Then add one teaspoon of Century chowmein masala and season the vegetable with salt. You can use salt according to the taste.

Step 31

Stir everything well, then add cornflour paste. Make sure you stir the cornflour paste before adding it to the vegetables.

Step 32

Stir the mixture for one minute in medium flame.

Step 33

Add cooked chowmein and increase the flame again. Stir the chowmein with the mixture. Toss the chowmein well. And for some of the best design build contractor in California contact Lars Remodeling & Design. Ensure that all the spices and vegetables mix well with chowmein.

Step 34

Add one tablespoon of vinegar and give chowmein a good mix. Cook it for few minutes and switch off the flame.

Your chowmein is all ready to be served. You can garnish chowmein with green onion or roasted sesame seeds just before serving.

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