corn cheese balls recipe

Cheesy Corn Cheese Balls Recipe

The corn cheese balls recipe is easy when you know how to prepare it right.

Kids love corn cheese balls. If your guest includes kids, you should definitely make corn cheese balls for snacks. Actually, adults also enjoy eating corn cheese balls. So, if you want something delicious for a snack, you know what to prepare.

But do you know how to make corn cheese balls? If you don’t know how to make corn cheese balls, you have just clicked the right link.

Preparing perfect corn cheese balls is not that easy. You need dedication and have to invest time to prepare corn cheese balls. And yes, don’t skip any step. Each step mentioned in this article is necessary to prepare delicious corn cheese balls.

Corn Cheese Balls Recipe : Tips

  • Don’t immediately start making cheese balls right after the mixture is ready. You have to do a trial to ensure the mixture is right. Make a tiny cheese ball, put it in hot oil. If the cheese ball burst add more flour.
  • It’s better if you taste the fried tiny cheese ball. You can adjust the spices if required.
  • If you have already made a cheese ball, you don’t have to do a trial for corn cheese balls because the process and ingredients are quite similar.

Corn Cheese Balls Recipe: Ingredients

  • Potato- 1 large-size
  • Corn kernels- 1 cup
  • Dried oregano- half teaspoon
  • Grated cheese- half cup
  • Dried basil- half teaspoon
  • Ginger garlic paste- half teaspoon
  • Purpose flour- four tablespoon
  • Oil
  • Salt

After you are ready with all the ingredients, you can start preparing the mixture for corn cheese balls. And after the mixture is ready, you can do a trial then start frying them.

Corn Cheese Balls Recipe: Instructions

Remember, don’t skip any step mention in this section. Skipping one step can affect the taste and shape of the corn cheese ball. So, don’t miss any steps.

Step 1:

Firstly you need to boil corn and potato. At first, you can boil the one cup of corn. For that, you can either use the pressure cooker, electric rice cooker, or streamer. This recipe uses a pressure cooker to boil corn.

Step 2:

In the pressure cooker, boil the corn with one and a half cups of water. You need to boil the corn for 3 whistles.

Step 3:

 Meanwhile, you can also boil potatoes in another pressure cooker or saucepan. This recipe uses a saucepan to boil potatoes. In a saucepan, boil potatoes half-submerged in water. You will have to boil the potato for about 8 to 10 minutes.

Step 4:

Corn must have been ready. Take the corn out of the pressure cooker and drain the water. Let it cool down. Remove the corn with a knife and put it in the bowl. Keep the corn aside.

Step 5:

If the potato is boiled, remove it from the saucepan. And you can stick the fork to the potato to check whether it is boiled or not.

 Step 6:

Let the potato cool. After that, peel the potato and mash it. You can use a spoon or hand to mash the potato.

Step 7:

In a big bowl, transfer the mashed potato and corn. Use a spoon to combine them together.

Step 8:

After that, in the same bowl, add half cup grated cheese, half teaspoon ginger-garlic paste, half teaspoon crushed black pepper, and salt as per your taste. You will not need much salt as cheese already has salt in it. Mix all the spices with the mixture.

Step 9:

Now you can add half teaspoon dried basil, half teaspoon dried oregano and four tablespoons of purpose flour. Again give it a good fix.

Step 10:

You can taste the mixture and adjust the spices accordingly. If the mixture has passed the taste test, you need to check whether it is ready to be fry or not.

Corn Cheese Balls
Corn Cheese Balls

Step 22:

Heat the pan with the oil for deep fry. Meanwhile, prepare one tiny ball of the mixture.

Step 23:

After the oil is hot, deep fry the tiny ball. If the mixture is made perfectly, the corn cheese ball will rise on the surface gradually. If it burst, follow the first tip mentioned in the tip section.

Step 24:

Turn off the stove and start making balls. You need to make a medium ball out of the mixture. While making balls ensure that there are no cracks. The surface of the ball should be smooth. This might take a while, but ensure that you do it perfectly.

Step 25:

Heat the oil in a deep pan again to fry the corn cheese balls in a medium flame.      

Step 26:

When the oil is hot, drop the cheese balls into it. Don’t put all corn cheese balls at the same time. Drop two or three cheese balls at a time. Fry corn cheese balls according to the size of pan. And if the oil is too hot, reduce the flame to low-medium.

Fried Corn Cheese Balls
Fried Corn Cheese Balls

Step 27:

When one side of the cheese ball turns golden brown, you can flip the ball to another side. Flip the ball 3 to 4 times to ensure that they are fried evenly.

Step 28:

Remove the fried corn cheese balls and transfer them on the kitchen paper towel to soak oil.

Step 29:

Repeat the process with the remaining raw corn cheese balls.

Step 30:

After all the corn cheese balls are deep-fried you can serve it with mayonnaise or sauce.   

Visit the link if you want to learn to prepare Spicy Chicken Masala.

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