Foods Of Nepal

Top 10 Healthiest Foods Of Nepal: What To Eat

Besides multiple delicious fast food trends and eating habits, Nepal provides dishes packed with needed nutritional values. Even if, over the past years, Nepalese has turned themselves towards a sustainable dietary plan, the traditional cuisine here is filled with all forms of nutrients – carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fat.

The classic Nepalese cuisines and dishes signify a sign of a welcoming gesture. Every single dish has its characteristics with homely vibes. Additionally, Nepalese foods are much healthier as they do not use excessive oil or spices while preparing.

Additionally, most Nepalese dishes use basic spices such as perilla seeds, sesame seeds, Timur, and many more. Likewise, most dishes are excellent sources of omega-3, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Top Ten Healthy Cuisines Of Nepal

With the growing concern in health all over the world, Nepalese has grown pretty concerned when it comes to their dietary plan. Even those who shifted to processed foods have inclined more toward their traditional food culture.

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Yet again, these cuisines have gained immense attention as their daily diet and eatery. Below are the top healthy dishes of Nepal that are included in everyday meals.

Dal, Bhaat, Ra Tarkari (Lentils, Rice, And Curry)

It is the primary everyday meal of every Nepalese household. Also, it is made daily, and most Nepalese consume it twice or at least once.

Here, “Dal” is the cooked lentil or other pulses stew. Likewise, “Bhaat” is steam-cooked rice, while “Tarkari” is seasonal vegetables cooked in curry. As a fun fact, this particular staple food of Nepal is a constituent of every nutrient.

Foods Of Nepal daal & Bhaat
Foods Of Nepal daal & Bhaat (Source=Flickr)

To elaborate, rice is rich in carbohydrates, and lentils are rich in protein and fiber. This dish will keep you energetic throughout the day. As for Tarkari, it can be any leafy green vegetables or other seasonal vegetables that are available.

And yes, Tarkari is rich in fiber and balances out your heavy diet with greens. Furthermore, this dish might also include the side of a tomato pickle that helps digestion. In addition to it, the side dishes might also have cucumbers, radishes, and curds.

Gundruk, Sinki, and Tama

They are one of the most loved traditional curry items to match the Dal Bhaat. They are fermented food that is later cooked in the form of curry. Well, they are often warm and delicious during the winter.

All these fermented dishes are rich in Vitamin B12, which helps in healthy brain function and red blood cell production. Additionally, they are also rich in lactic acid.

As for gundruk, it helps in milk production during lactation for mothers. Similarly, sinki helps to cure diarrhea and stomach pains.


It is traditionally cooked flour in boiling water and is mainly eaten in Nepal’s Hilly and Himalayan regions. Additionally, it can be made out of various types of flour, such as millet, wheat, corn, and buckwheat.

This dish is exceptionally nutritious and an excellent substitute for polished white rice. As a fun fact, this dish is anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-cholesterol, and anti-hypertension.

Among the many types of flour to make Dhido, millet is the most used and most nutritious. Adding millet dhido to your everyday meal helps those who have problems with constipation, gas, and anemia.

Additionally, this particular dish also helps to control the blood sugar level and decreases cholesterol levels. 


It is the perfect dish for winter with warm broth. As much as this dish satisfies our tastebuds, Thukpa is also high in nutritional value that has added the goodness of coriander leaves, green chilies, lean meats, peppers, and many more.

With the richness of multiple added vegetables and meats in the making, Thukpa enhances bowel movement and improves digestion. Likewise, its soup is an excellent source of protein, fiber, and carbs due to healthy foods like carrots, lean meats, mushrooms, and cabbages.

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Furthermore, the green chilies in this food help with the metabolic rate, while the pepper and ginger help to boost immunity in winter.

Samay Bhaji / Newari Khaja Set

One of the typical dishes in the Newari community in Nepal, their khaja set, is full of foods and wholesome nutrients. Typically, this particular dish is made and eaten on special occasions to promote longevity, good luck, health, and fortune. 

This delicious set includes foods such as beaten rice, chhoila, aaloo tama, aaloo achar, anda, and even aila. Here, the beaten rice is a crunchy snack rich in Vitamin B, which helps to improve brain health.

Likewise, it also includes black soya beans, which help to minimize health risks such as cardiovascular disease, stress, high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

Another ingredient also includes spinach which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and iron. Well, it benefits to skin, hair, and bone health. It has white beans, which are crucial for your heart health as they reduce the risk of Cancer and diabetes.

Among many other delicious bites, aaloo ko achaar, aaloo tama, and mula ko achaar prevent heart disease and cholesterol. Similarly, it has cooked ground meat known as chhoila, which helps to improve muscle mass and prevents iron deficiency.

Lentil Pancake (Newari Bara)

This is a typical Newari pancake that is entirely made of lentils. Here, the lentils used may be split black lentils and a combination of split black lentils and split moong lentils.

You can enjoy this dish alone or with fried eggs and tomato pickles. It is a simple dish served hot and holds several nutritional values. Often they help to decrease cholesterol and prevent diabetes and also colon Cancer.


One of the delicious desserts treats in the Newari community, Yomari is a rice dumpling with filling inside. This dish is traditionally prepared for special occasions and festivals.

The outer covering of this dish is rice flour, which is stuffed with chaku (black treacle, molasses). Like its delicious flavor, Yomari is a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamins.

Well, they are often known as a huge source of iron that helps to produce red blood cells in our bodies. Moving on, it is also high in carbohydrates and fiber and also assists in preventing constipation. Likewise, it is known to reduce heart disease and Cancer.

Gorkhali Lamb

It is one of the famous curry dishes in Nepal that is made by slowly cooking them and later grilling them. Like any other meat, this also holds multiple nutrients.

Among many dishes, Gorkhali Lamb is high in protein needed for growth and maintenance. Similarly, it includes several other nutrients like fat, vitamins, and iron.

This dish also helps prevent anemia, heart disease, and Cancer. Furthermore, it also helps to improve your physical body performance.

Roti (Chapati)

This dish is typically eaten in the Terai region and some areas of the Hilly region. They are made with wheat flour, buckwheat, and many others per one’s desires.

Yes, chapatis are high in protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, and phosphorous. This is an excellent substitute for people with diabetes, as it helps reduce blood sugar levels.

Additionally, they help to improve digestion and also boost your energy levels. Not to mention, they are also known to nourish skin and are pretty low in calories.


Originating from Pakistan, this refreshing drink is also quite famous in Nepal, especially during the summer. It is preferred by many, and this drink consists of several nuts and fruits.

Indeed, this drink is also quite beneficial for your body as it is full of probiotics. Furthermore, this drink also helps with digestion which promotes gut health. It is a stomach-friendly drink that supports bone health and boosts your immunity.

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They are also said to be high in vitamin D, which helps prevent acne, moisturize your skin, and reduce blemishes. All in all, lassi also assists in controlling your cholesterol.

Overall Guide To Nepalese Cuisines

Nepalese cuisine takes inspiration from several dishes from neighboring countries with its blend of tradition. The traditional dishes also vary with Nepalese’s different backgrounds and ethnicities.

Additionally, Nepalese dishes are also known to be the healthiest among the other cuisines in the South Asian nations. Most of the words in Nepal relies less on fats and more on chunky vegetables and lean meats.

Some common ingredients in Nepalese dishes include potatoes, lentils, mustard oil, and so on.

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