sesame seeds

Sesame Seeds Benefits: Discover The Nutritional Power Of Sesame Seeds

Did you know consuming a spoonful of sesame seeds in your meal could make your bones stronger and healthy? Sesame seeds are rich in essential oils, minerals, and fibers that provide vital nutrients to the body. In fact sesame seeds have a lot of benefits.

Although people consumed seeds from different herbs in their cuisine, the nutritional benefits of these seeds were less known to people until now. The seeds like pumpkin, flax, chia seeds, sunflower, poppy, etc., are a superfood as they are rich in several nutritional molecules.

The benefits of sesame seeds aren’t just limited to disease prevention. It promotes good hair health, reduces inflammation, enhances blood formation, and so on. Keep on reading the article to discover the nutritional properties of sesame seeds furthermore.

Components found in Sesame Seeds:

Sesame seeds are rich in several minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, and good fat. It is also a healthy source of protein and antioxidants. Sesamin and sesamolin are two critical constituents in sesame seeds that provide many beneficial properties to consumers.

You can consume these seeds in your breakfast smoothie by soaking them overnight or roasting them to dress your salads. In any way, the nutritional value o these super seeds will not degrade.

As per the composition percentage, sesame seeds have 20-28% protein, 48-55% oils, 14-16% sugars, 6-8% fiber content, and 5-7% minerals. The composition of this nutrition may vary in black and white sesame seeds.

Nutritional value in 100 gms of Sesame Seeds:

NutritionConstitution per 100 gm
Protein18 gm
Total carbohydrate27 gm
Total Fat50 gm
Dietary Fiber12 gm
Sodium11 mg
Potassium468 mg
Magnesium351 mg
Calcium975 mg
Iron14.6 mg
Calorie573 calories
Nutritional Value in 100 gms of Sesame Seeds

Nutritional benefits of Sesame Seeds:

1. A sufficient source of Plant Protein

Sesame seeds are rich in protein that helps in building our body. It has a higher amount of essential amino acids like methionine and tryptophan, which our body cannot produce. Similarly, sesame seeds also consist of lysine, a non-essential amino acid lysine.

You can find  18 gm of protein in 100 gm of sesame seeds. Some people may find it difficult to digest the biomolecules like oxalates and phytates found in sesame. Thus, you can hull and roast sesame seeds before consuming them to aid their digestion.

Hull On and Hull Off
Hull On and Hull Off

2. Rich in minerals that promotes Bone Growth

Minerals are essential nutritional elements for the human body. The minerals aid the growth and health of bones in the body. Additionally, they make them stronger. Sesame seeds have ample amounts of calcium, magnesium, since, and manganese.

It is a well-known fact that calcium boost bone health. But calcium also plays an essential role in transmitting the nerve signals, helping muscle movement, blood vessel function, and release of hormones.

Oxalates and phytates can hinder the absorption of these minerals after consuming sesame seeds. Hence, it is effective if you hull, soak or roast them to reduce the concentration of those biomolecules from sesame seeds.

Roasted sesame seeds
Roasted sesame seeds

3. Aids RBC formation and Enhances Immunity

Since sesame seeds are rich in minerals like copper, iron, and vitamin B6, it aids in the formation of RBC. These minerals and vitamins help increase the hemoglobin level in the blood.

Iron is a carrier of oxygen in the blood, and the rest helps make hemoglobin in the blood, the pigment that gives the red color to our blood.

Similarly, the presence of these minerals in your blood helps maintain immunity against diseases. Zinc is an essential mineral for white blood cells, the cells which provide immunogenic protection.

Other minerals like selenium, copper, vitamin B6 and vitamin E infer immunogenic properties to the body.

4. Exhibits Antioxidant Properties

Free radicals released from our foods can deteriorate the cells and their functioning. Thus, consuming foods rich in antioxidants help reduce cellular stress by binding the free radicals.

According to the researchers, sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants like lignans and selenium, which help avoid oxidative stress in the cells caused by free radicals. These antioxidants also help in normalizing the aging process and promote eye health.

5. Rich in Fibers

The dietary fibers are essential to aid digestion so that our body can absorb all nutrients from the diet we consume. Sesame seeds are rich in fibers that can support digestive health.

These fibers also aid in minimizing the risks of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. According to USDA, 100 gm of sesame seeds has 12  gms of dietary fiber.

6. Good source of all different Types of Vitamin B

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of various kinds of vitamin B. It is rich in Niacin (vitamin B3), Thiamine (Vitamin B1), and Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6).

These vitamins are essential to regular cellular metabolism and regulating their proper functioning. Vitamin B1 aids in DNA repair and promotes skin health. At the same time, vitamins B1 and B6 support the functioning of the nervous system.

Besides, sesame seeds are rich in gamma-tocopherol, a form of vitamin E. This compound functions as an antioxidant and also prevents heart diseases.

7. Can aid in maintaining Blood pressure and Cholesterol and Reduce Inflammation in the Body

The antioxidants and minerals in sesame seeds help to maintain blood pressure. Magnesium prevents the construction of blood vessels from maintaining the level of pressure of blood flowing in them. Likewise, antioxidants present opaque buildup in arteries and help in thinning the blood to prevent pressure buildup.

People with higher blood pressure can consume 2.5 grams of black sesame powder every day to see effective change.

Sesamin, a compound found in sesame oil, is an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

Sesame seeds contain a good mixture of polyunsaturated(41%)and monosaturated (39%) fats. These fats help in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the number of triglycerides in the blood.

Likewise, lignans and phytosterols in sesame seeds also have cholesterol-lowering effects. We can conclude that good fats in sesame seeds elevate triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels, consequently reducing the risks of heart diseases.

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